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Friday, September 16, 2016

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Starbucks pushes against supporter of traditional marriage again.

Starbucks CEO: ‘If You Support Traditional Marriage We Don’t Want Your Business”

My thoughts:
I do not like them. They make me sick. I dislike standing in line with khaki clad yuppies slathered with Aramis cologne. The arrogant nuvo-hippy wearing crape and hemp smelling of petula, frantically poking at her iPhone about global warming. I hate the fact that Starbucks insists that you use their words like Venti Grande & tall. I squeeze my bum cheeks together when I rear some self righteous miscreant bellow "I want a half caff, nonfat, extra hot venti cafe ole, with a quarter pump of white chocolate and just a HINT of Madagascar cinnamon." Starbucks make me sick. The fusion new age music playing in the background, shelves full of over-priced coffee making devices. Books on herbal enemas and posters showcasing how they care for everybody in other countries except ours. I hate Starbucks. Their $10 croissants and their $8 cookies.

Nope. Not for me. It is a plastic existence. I'll make my own.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Thursday, September 1, 2016

He was against illegals before he was for illegals