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Saturday, June 15, 2019

Mind Control Thru Uninformed Minions

For those who like to read multi-paragraph commentary -
Every major video stream platform is a contributor to the #Democrat Party and leftist agenda. And it is all done in-kind (an in-kind contribution is a non-monetary contribution) and in a shady, obscure way. All of this is done under the phony pretense of community standards. These CEOs furrow their brows with fake compassion as they flail Utopian lingo like "community" and "sharing". Kermit Z. Frog will declare before Congress that his platform is fair and unbiased. He lies as a good power hungry leftist does.
But we must be cognizant of history. We are the ones who created this monster. Does anybody remember #MySpace? MySpace was supposed to be THE social media platform. Instead we are stuck with our socialist media platform. We are so settled and stuck in a rut that we have reluctantly accepted the masters' rule over free speech. (Not Freedom of Speech pursuant to the Constitution) I am referring to free speech derived from free will.
Here is the list of the collective cabal:
Google - Youtube, Facebook, and Twitter. Then we factor in AWS the leftist data center that provides the mass storage and virtual servers. Who is AWS? Amazon Web Services. One of the largest contract data centers in the world who provide filespace for these public-mind-control processors.
In coordination with college professors, CNNMSNBC and others, these entities continuously spoon feed their message to you everyday via their proxies who are their leftist uninformed compliant masses. This is why you endure public ridicule for your thoughts and beliefs while at the same time showing restraint in return. Why? Because we are keenly aware that if we push back we run the risk of being suspended.
How 'bout a little N. Korea in your America?
Feeling groovy??

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