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Sunday, June 23, 2019

The Facebook $Libra Currency

With China having the largest Bitcoin mining operation in the world, we run the risk of asset transfers taking weeks if they so choose to punish the world. Many of us are aware of this.
Facebook will be deploying its digital currency and will be able to utilize its massive processing power to operate transactions. In fact, Facebook is on record stating "We have hopes this will transform the global economy."
They are in partnership with Mastercard, Visa, and PayPal just to name a few.
Facebook is afforded mass storage and huge processing power. This allows them to run the "mining operation" which is the asset value transaction system. Now. We know that Facebook blocks, bans, and suspends people when posts go against their sliding scale community standards and personal whims. Furthermore let's face it; we are Facebook's compliant masses. We have shackled ourselves to this platform and are seemingly unwilling to break away to MeWe, Gab, Parler, and Minds. Many of our youth believe Facebook is "the internet".
Old or young, everybody is adept at using Facebook as we have woven it into the fiber of our existence. Now imagine the $Libra currency system being global, widely adopted, and as fun & easy to use as Facebook. Now imagine that you posted something that offended the delicate senses of the Community Standards Cult. Your account gets suspended for 30 days. You thought Libra Coin was so groovy and convenient that you put the bulk of your personal spending capital in it. You know. Cuz it's groovy and cutting edge... Like your Starbucks smart phone scan.
Now a social media platform has hijacked not only your free will but your personal funds. If you want to buy food and gas, pay your electric bill, and pay your internet bill, you will be left with only one choice.
Submit to the will of Facebook your new lord. Comply or die
You have been warned

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